Monday, January 25, 2010

Questions for Amara Lakhous

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Lakhous’ novel Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio. In some way, this book reminded me of another intriguing author and book—Albert Camus’ The Stranger. Cleverly funny, curiously philosophical, and oddly tragic, this unconventional novel seized my attention until its last, one hundred and thirty-first page. Settling down this book after a late morning of a refreshingly thought-provoking read, I reflected on some questions I would like to ask the author during his visit. Here’s the list (excuse my stream of consciousness style questions): How did you get the idea for writing this story and in this style (also with different people’s perspectives on a murder)? Did you identify with any one of your characters or did you use other people you knew to shape your characters? What is your take away message? Or is there a definite, clear message that you want to communicate? Amedeo is from Northern Africa (Algiers I believe—you are from Algiers as well so is there more to Amedeo’s origin?), but he tries to escape from his past. I still feel that fragments of Amedeo’s past do not piece together a complete explanation of his life before Rome. So is it relevant to know his history and identity, true and complete? Who is Amedeo and what does he symbolize (this may lead to the question of can we ever truly know anyone, including even ourselves?)? What is the significance of Amedeo’s “howling?” What does the elevator signify (the microcosm of Rome and/or Italy through all the conflict it involves?) as the residents battle over its deteriorating conditions? It seems that the further south one originates from, the more he is despised and discriminated against (even people within Italy e.g. the Milanese professor’s contempt for Romans). What do you think of your book being made into a movie? Do you have specific preferences on how you want your characters or the setting portrayed? Are you involved in its production?

An exhaustive list of questions that I can’t wait to ask!

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